Terminal to terminal transport is slightly different, and slightly less expensive.  In this arrangement you must bring the vehicle to one of our shipping terminals where it will be loaded onto a car transporter.  You will also have to come and pick up the vehicle from a terminal at its destination location.  As you can tell, this can be a hassle, it is always easier to arrange for a door-to-door service.

Door to door auto transport service is the most common type of service requested on our website.  This type of service provides for pickup and delivery of your vehicle at a location designated by you.  We can pick up and deliver your vehicle at your home, work, school, or any other location.  Depending on circumstances we may arrange for an eighteen-wheeler to pick up your vehicle, or for a single car transporter to pick it up for a transport to a consolidation terminal.  We will inform you ahead of time of what type of truck will pick up your vehicle.